Aim: This presentation has been designed to assist in understanding the issues with regards wildfires and provides advice.  


Module 1

 The course covers the following:


  • Introduction
  • Wildfire facts
  • Backburning
  • Nature of fire
  • Fuel moisture content
  • How different fuels burn
  • Extinguishing fire
  • Slurry




Module 2

 The course covers the following:

  • What is a wildfire?
  • Fire spread
  • Protection from radiation
  • Conduction
  • Convection
  • Fire intensity
  • Moisture content
  • Curing
  • Flame height
  • Bushfires
  • Direct contact


Module 3

 The course covers the following:

  • Safety on the fireground
  • Job safety
  • Specific wildfire hazards
  • Heat exhaustion
  • Heat stroke
  • Smoke
  • Fatigue
  • Disorientation
  • Environmental
  • Taking refuge
  • Watchout
  • Fire spreading




Module 4

 The course covers the following:

  • Bushfires in Australia
  • Impact of bushfires
  • Fire danger rating
  • History
  • Spot-fires
  • Fire whirls



Module 5

 The course covers the following:

  • Equipment
  • Bushfire PPE
  • Extinguishing equipment
  • Hand tools
  • General rules for using tools
  • Axe
  • Rake hoe
  • Sharpening tools
  • Handling tools
  • The knapsack
  • Safety procedures
  • Fire beaters
  • Use of beaters
  • Pumps
  • Hose fittings
  • Adaptors
  • Hose types



Module 6

 The course covers the following:

  • Common extinguishing agents
  • Wetting agents
  • Earth
  • Retardants
  • Foams
  • What is foam effective on?
  • What is foam not effective on?
  • A class foams
  • Fire suppressant foams
  • Fluorine free foams
  • Long term retardants
  • Protein foams
  • Synthetic foams
  • High expansion foams
  • Foam concentrates
  • Polar solvents
  • Foam proportioning



Module 7

 The course covers the following:

  • Branches, nozzles and pump operations
  • Foam pump operation
  • Medium and high expansion foam generators
  • Air aspirating foam nozzles
  • Smooth bore nozzles
  • Fog nozzles
  • Discharge devices
  • Class A foam application
  • Class B foam application
  • Sweep on or roll off methods
  • Bounce off method
  • Rain-down (Lobbing method)
  • Foam application techniques
  • Compatibility of foams
  • Water supply considerations
  • High expansion foam for basements
  • Foam storage and shipping
  • Stacking
  • Foam and the environment
  • Heavy equipment
  • Aerial water bombing



Module 8

 The course covers the following:

  • Fire behaviour
  • Fuel
  • Categories of fire
  • Hilly/mountainous areas
  • Flat grasslands
  • Fuel size and quantity
  • Arrangement of fuel
  • Dryness of fuel
  • The process of curing
  • Weather and wildfires
  • Temperature
  • Relative humidity
  • Wind speed
  • Effects of wind on bushfires



Module 9

 The course covers the following:

  • Climate change
  • Carbon offset
  • Carbon farming
  • What is the ERF auction?
  • Terrain and wildfires
  • Slope angle
  • Uphill
  • Downhill
  • Aspect
  • Fire as a management tool
  • Prescribed wildfires
  • Forest wildfires
  • Scrub wildfires
  • Grass wildfires
  • Types of fires
  • Implications for firefighters



Module 10

 The course covers the following:

  • Responding to wildfire
  • Plan of attack
  • Preparing to respond
  • Brigade activities
  • Call out procedures
  • Proceeding to the fire
  • Initial observation
  • Sizing up the fire
  • Evidence of cause
  • Safe route
  • Locating the wildfire
  • Local knowledge
  • Map reading
  • Indicators of fire
  • Observations on route to wildfire
  • Suppressing the fire
  • Methods of creating a fire break




Module 11

 The course covers the following:


  • Removing oxygen
  • Water
  • Wetting agents
  • Class A foam
  • Class B foam
  • Application of foam
  • Plan of attack
  • Offensive strategies
  • Direct attack
  • Parallel attack
  • Indirect attack
  • Defensive strategies
  • Advantages and disadvantages of strategies




Module 12

 The course covers the following:

  • A control line
  • Control line tips
  • Control line using hand tools
  • The step up method
  • The one lick method
  • Factors affecting the construction of a fire line
  • Following the path of least resistance
  • Avoiding steep slopes
  • Cutting across existing fire edges
  • Using existing fire breaks
  • Mopping up
  • Patrolling the perimeter
  • Patrolling duties
  • Working as part of a team


Module 13

 The course covers the following:


  • Fire out declaration
  • Backburning
  • Types of patterns
  • Risks of backburning
  • Disadvantages of backburning
  • Blackening out
  • Communication on fire-ground
  • Agency liaison
  • Management
  • Attacking the flanks
  • Impact of wildfires
  • The fire danger rating
  • Bushfire prone land
  • Building on bush fire prone land
  • The BAL rating
  • Bushfire shutters
  • Bushfire sprinkler




Module 14

 The course covers the following:

  • Surviving a wildfire when trapped in a vehicle
  • Actions to take
  • Surviving a wildfire on foot
  • Living in wildfire/bushfire prone area
  • Understanding wildfire warnings
  • Advice
  • All clear
  • Preparing your home
  • Landscaping
  • How wildfires destroy houses
  • Ember attack
  • Radiation
  • Wind
  • Sheltering during a wildfire
  • Actively protecting your home
  • Emotional impact
  • Where to go as a last resort



Module 15

 The course covers the following:

  • Regional management
  • South Australia
  • New South Wales
  • Western Australia
  • Seasonality
  • Designated bushfire prone area
  • Bushfire prone vegetation
  • Bushfire attack levels
  • Building standards on these lands
  • Factors affecting the BAL
  • Type of ventilation
  • Distance to ventilation
  • The slope