
The objectives of this course are to educate the delegate with regards all aspects of manual handling. The course will cover legislation relating to manual handling, the principles of risk assessment and the control measures that need to be in place


 The course covers the following:

  • introduction
  • Objectives
  • Course content
  • Definition of manual handling
  • Risk assessment
  • Hazard, risk and control measure
  • Who does manual handling affect?
  • Health risks and injuries caused by manual handling
  • Mental health issues
  • Short-term and/or superficial injuries
  • Long term injuries
  • Immediate injuries
  • Musculoskeletal Disorders (MSD’S)
  • Musculoskeletal system
  • Type of Musculoskeletal disorders
  • Back pain
  • Upper limb disorders
  • Lower limb disorders
  • Statistics
  • Benefits of controlling risk
  • Manual handling operations regulations
  • What is main piece of legislation that applies to manual handling
  • Employer duties
  • Employee duties
  • HSE guidance
  • Manual handling assessment charts



1 hours CPD


£20 plus VAT (£24 inc VAT)

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