
This course will look at the inherent risks that hazardous substances pose and gives advice on dealing with them.



 The course covers the following:

  • Control of Substances Hazardous to Health (COSHH)
  • Objectives
  • What is COSHH?
  • Statistics
  • What is a hazardous substance?
  • Where can we find hazardous substances in the workplace?
  • Ill health from hazardous substances
  • Controlling the risks associated with hazardous substances
  • Assessing the risks
  • Legislation
  • COSHH Regulations 2002
  • HSE enforcement
  • The Classification, labelling and packaging (CLP) Regulations
  • Approved code of practice
  • Employers responsibilities
  • Employees responsibilities
  • Hazardous substances and ill health
  • Common health hazards
  • Cause of illnesses
  • Main conditions
  • Common irritants
  • Routes of entry
  • Hazardous workplaces
  • Effects of hazardous substances to health
  • Chronic exposure
  • Acute exposure
  • Identifying hazardous substances
  • Chemical labelling
  • Categories of hazards
  • Safety data sheets
  • The DSEAR regulations 2002



1.5 Hours  CPD



£20 plus VAT