
This online course has been designed specifically for those who have been, or will be, appointed to carry out the duties of a Fire Warden. The course includes fire legislation, the theory of combustion, causes of fire and the correct way to tackle a fire using the fire extinguishers available. Other areas covered include their duties in the event of a fire or bomb. The various sweep systems available and how to search their nominated area is included in the course

This course covers the following topics:

• The roles of a Fire Warden
• The Regulatory Reform (Fire Safety) Order 2005
• Causes of fire in the workplace
• Hazard spotting
• Fire Drills
• Fire procedures
• Bomb procedures
• The nature of fire
• Class of fire
• Colours of extinguishers
• Development of fire
• Flashover
• Backdraft
• Practical use of fire extinguishers


120 minutes



£45 plus VAT (£54 inc VAT)

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