
This course looks at the issues that places of entertainment pose and the areas that fire risk assessors need to consider.


 The course covers the following:


  • Introduction
  • Listed buildings
  • Case studies
  • Entertainment licence
  • Exemptions
  • Legal duty
  • Who is responsible
  • Selection and operation of fire extinguishers
  • Safety procedures
  • Nature of fire
  • Class of fire
  • The Fire Risk Assessment
  • What is a fire risk assessment?
  • Hazard and risk
  • Aim of the fire risk assessment
  • How is a fire risk assessment carried out?
  • Significant hazards
  • Gaining access
  • Large numbers of people
  • Alcohol and drugs
  • Violence towards emergency personnel
  • Stage areas
  • Special effects
  • Storage of pyrotechnics




2.5 Hours  CPD




£50 plus VAT (£60 inc VAT) . 

Click on the stripe checkout link to gain access to the course
