Module 1a

 The course covers the following:

  • Introduction 



Module 1b

 The course covers the following:

  • Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander culture and heritage
  • The terms “Indigenous’ and ‘Torres Strait Islander’
  • History of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples in Australia




Module 2

 The course covers the following:

  • Aboriginal and Torres Strait islander languages
  • Importance of language in preserving culture..


Module 3

 The course covers the following:

  • Aboriginal and Torres Strait islander art and music
  • Importance of art and music in storytelling and cultural expression




Module 4

 The course covers the following:

  • Aboriginal and Torres Strait islander beliefs and spirituality
  • The dreaming
  • Ancestral spirits
  • Connection to country
  • Ceremonies and rituals



Module 5

 The course covers the following:

  • Aboriginal and Torres Strait islander health and well being
  • Historical trauma



Module 6

 The course covers the following:

  • Aboriginal and Torres Strait islander governance and law



Module 7

 The course covers the following:

  • Overview of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander land and sea management practices
  • Understanding the importance of caring for country in Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander cultures
  • Caring for country



Module 8

 The course covers the following:

  • Overview of the Stolen Generations and their impacts
  • Understanding the importance of reconciliation and building relationships with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples



Module 9

 The course covers the following:

  • Overview of contemporary issues facing Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples
  • Understanding the importance of advocating for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander rights



Module 10a

 The course covers the following:

  • Reflection on the learning journey and insights gained.

Module 10b

 The course covers the following:

  • Action planning for how to continue learning and engaging with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander cultures and heritage.



Module 11a

 The course covers the following:

  • Reconciliation Australia 



Module 11b

 The course covers the following:

  • what a Reconciliation Action Plan (RAP)
  • How do you develop a Reconciliation Action Plan (RAP)
  • Steps involved in Developing a Reconciliation Action Plan.


We hope you enjoyed the presentation.  We do offer a full suite of other courses to improve competence of all in the fire industry. Here is the link