
This course has been designed to cover how to comply with Part B of the Building Regulations. It will go through how to demonstrate compliance with the five functional requirements utilising both ADB and BS9999. It also covers determining boundary distances to BR187.

This course attracts 30 hours CPD


Module 1.1

Introduction to the Building Regulations

This module will introduce the Building Regulations and introduce the functional requirements of
Part B Fire Safety. The module explains the steps involved in approving the fire safety aspects of building work and the
interaction between building regulations and other statutory fire safety requirements in England and
It aims to ensure that developers and designers will be able to receive all the fire safety information relevant to Building Regulations and other statutory approvals in time to avoid abortive work. If followed there should be no need for extra building work to be done at the end of a building project, before the building can be occupied for its intended purpose. This course is a practical course in that you will go through a full set of exercises in each of the five functional requirements to confirm understanding.


Module 1.2

B1 Means of Escape

This module goes through all the steps required to demonstrate compliance with B1 Means of Escape utilising Approved Document B and BS9999 Fire safety in the Design, Management and Use of Buildings. It covers both horizontal and vertical escape requirements.


Module 1.3

B2 Internal Fire Spread (Linings)

This module goes how to comply with Part B2 Internal Fire Spread due to the linings. The control of the flammability and other properties of wall and ceiling linings in rooms and other spaces is an important part of building regulations. It is essential to protect the escape routes and this includes the linings of walls and ceilings.


Module 1.4

B3 Internal Fire Spread (Structure)

This module covers how to ensure that the structure of the building is designed to ensure that the fire is contained. This involves compartmentation and issues such as fire doors and the protection of special risks in the building.

Module 1.5

B4 External Fire Spread

This module covers B4 External fire spread. It covers how to ensure that the building is designed to ensure a fire does not spread to other buildings. This covers the methods offered in ADB , BS9999 and BR187. It covers the enclosing rectangle method, the protractor method and introduces fire engineering calculations to determine the radiation intensity received at the boundary.


Module 1.6

B5 Access and Facilities for the Fire Service

This module covers B5 Access and facilities for the fire service. It will look at when risers , firefighting shafts and firefighting lifts are required. It will also look at the access requirements for buildings when risers are fitted (over 18m) and when they are not. It will also discuss requirements for hydrants located around the building.  This was a serious issue with Grenfell Towers and needs consideration when Approved Document B is updated




Module 1.7

Shopping malls

This module will give an insight into shopping malls




Module 1.8


This module will give an insight into atria



30  hours 



£695 plus VAT ( £834 inc VAT)


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